"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit..."
Matthew 28:19
Crave International is a discipleship ministry in Chiang Rai, Thailand that exists to see young adults grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our unique experience aims to help interns and participants translate transferable life and ministry skills into their home communities or wherever God calls them. Our program has two components, an internship for those from Western countries looking for an international serving experience and a local Crave program for Thai nationals. Click here to read our statement of faith.
"Crave is a big part of bringing me closer to God. Before meeting the Crave team, I went to church week by week but I didn't quite grasp the meaning of a disciple of Christ. Crave has helped guide me to be a stronger believer through a strong community. I am very blessed and thankful to have them here in Chiang Rai."
- Aim
"Crave International has shown me how important it is to be an active part of the body of Christ. It’s given me a glimpse at how God uses different gifts in different ways, and how I can better use the gifts God has given me."
- Nicole
"I have learned what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ through Crave! The best part of Crave was the development I made in my faith, growing deeper and more intimate in my relationship with the Father, while being surrounded by a strong community of believers.”
- Sam
“Before Crave, I had never quite understood the great need for a Christian to apply Scripture to their life. I have become convinced that there is a massive difference between a life that is inspired by Biblical teaching, and a life that is partial to, or void of Christ's example. Also, I can’t say enough about the way a group of diverse strangers can become friends by seeking God together.”
- Parker

Full overview of the Bible
Immersion into language and culture
Local service opportunities
Being part of a local church
Short-term missions experience in Thailand
Prayer retreats
and more...
We believe that the holistic approach of this program leaves young adults with a deepened faith,
life-changing experiences and an increased love for the local church.
Email us at info@craveinternational.org for more information about our internship experience.
*For donations to our general ministry fund, please designate the donation to Crave International.​
*For donations to the building project, please designate to Crave Building Project.
To give monthly, click here to download a pre-authorized giving form and follow the instructions on the form. Click here for other ways to set up recurring Pre-Authorized Withdrawal from your bank account.
To give a one time donation by e-transfer, click here.
*Please note, this is for Canadian bank accounts only!
To give a one time donation by cheque, click here.
*Electronic transactions are preferred during the Coronavirus pandemic.
To give a one-time online credit card donation, click here.
*A 3% Credit Card Fee will be added to all online donations. MSC does not receive this.
If you have any questions about giving, please email info@craveinternational.org! Thank you for your support!